Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Highlights of the Year
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Contracts with Industry

We are involved in a common project with the company AxesSim in Strasbourg. The objective is to help to the development of a commercial software for the numerical simulation of electromagnetic phenomena. The applications are directed towards antenna design and electromagnetic compatibility. This project was partly supported by DGA through "RAPID" (régime d’appui à l’innovation duale) funds. A CIFRE PhD has started in AxesSim on the same kinds of subjects in March 2015 (Bruno Weber). The new project is devoted to the use of runtime system in order to optimize DG solvers applied to electromagnetism [10]. The resulting software will be applied to the numerical simulation of connected devices for clothes or medicine. The project is supported by the "Banque Publique d’Investissement" (BPI) and coordinated by the Thales company.



The TONUS project belongs to the IPL FRATRES (models and numerical methods for Tokamak).

Funded by the IPL, Xiaofei Zhao was a post-doctoral fellow until September 2017, under the joint supervision of Nicolas Crouseilles (team IPSO, Inria Rennes) and Sever Hirstoaga.

IPL C2S@exa

The TONUS and HIEPACS projects have obtained the financial support for the PhD thesis of Nicolas Bouzat thanks to the IPL C2S@exa (computational sciences at exascale). Nicolas Bouzat works at CEA Cadarache and is supervised locally by Guillaume Latu; the PhD advisors are Michel Mehrenberger and Jean Roman.

HPC resources